Co-Op Carnage
The Game Marketer assisted English publisher – Coatsink; with a variety of published titles including – Get Packed: Couch Chaos. Providing this team with a full suite of marketing services.
Being a piece of a longer-term publishing schedule, The Game Marketer focused on this title with a defined strategy of Awareness, Launch, and Post Launch activities. This process unfolded over several months in conjunction with other releases at the same time.
Influencer & Press
Being a Switch title, our focus shifted from a wider target audience to a more refined niche. We focused on building out creator and publication lists that were covering Nintendo-related content. Several dozen publications made some form of content on the title and many money influencers created at least 1 piece of content on the title.
Social Media & Content
We had a huge focus on creating assets which highlighted the incredible USP’s this title had, ensuring that all creative assets offered both entertaining and educational properties. Assets were produced in harmony with a social publishing schedule which was produced several weeks in advance.
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